00 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 101 01 Relating to the earnings of the Alaska permanent fund and establishing a bicameral 02 legislative working group on the use of earnings of the Alaska permanent fund. 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 WHEREAS the Alaska permanent fund is an endowment fund unique in the United 05 States and critically important to the citizens of the state; and 06 WHEREAS, for more than 30 years, the earnings of the Alaska permanent fund have 07 primarily been used for the disbursement of dividends to the citizens of the state and for 08 inflation proofing the principal of the fund; and 09 WHEREAS, because of the declining oil revenue of the state, and in pursuit of the 10 diversification of the state's revenue sources, a portion of the earnings of the Alaska 11 permanent fund is currently being used to fund essential public services; and 12 WHEREAS the Alaska State Legislature supports the objective of the managers of 13 the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation to meet their fiduciary responsibility to grow the 14 Alaska permanent fund and supports a sustainable permanent fund dividend in perpetuity; and 15 WHEREAS there are unresolved issues related to the use of the earnings of the 16 Alaska permanent fund, including the division of an annual draw on the earnings of the 01 Alaska permanent fund, the formula for the calculation of the permanent fund dividend, the 02 transfer of funds from the earnings reserve account in the Alaska permanent fund to the 03 constitutionally protected principal of the Alaska permanent fund, and whether the earnings of 04 the Alaska permanent fund should be contained in a separate fund; and 05 WHEREAS the Alaska State Legislature recognizes that, in finding a long-term fiscal 06 solution for the state, the resolution of issues surrounding the future use of the earnings of the 07 Alaska permanent fund is paramount; 08 BE IT RESOLVED that a bicameral legislative working group is established to 09 review the use of the earnings of the Alaska permanent fund; and be it 10 FURTHER RESOLVED that the working group consists of four members from the 11 House of Representatives and four members from the Senate appointed by the presiding 12 officer of each house and includes minority caucus representation from each body; and be it 13 FURTHER RESOLVED that the working group shall meet as necessary and provide 14 policy recommendations to the Thirty-First Alaska State Legislature on the future use of the 15 earnings of the Alaska permanent fund.